Y.2S. Engineering
  • Glerup Connolly posted an update 2 years, 11 months ago

    There are a minimum of some indications of hope for the UK’s unemployment front but it doesn’t suggest that people looking for work can unwind their preparations for interview.

    While the numbers of job hunters declined by 26,000 inside the ninety days to May will still be premature to summarize that the economic recovery is now established, especially in the recent Recruitment and Employment Confederation’s (REC) finding that this rate of job creation was slowing slightly.

    Indeed the REC’s reaction to the unemployment figures, while welcoming the advance, highlighted any particular one groups of job-seekers usually are not obtaining the support and guidance they want in a competitive jobs market, especially those people who are certainly not catered for under the Government’s work programme.

    It identified these as high-end professionals, recent graduates and workers trying to increase the risk for transition from public to private sector.

    It will not really matter whether or not the job seeker is looking to get a general, low-level administrative job, an executive PA position or even a more specialised managerial role. Competition will continue intense which can make it particularly significant in case you make it through to interview stage to polish not only their interview skills but also their presentation.

    Some recent tips from interviewers include the usual advice including dressing appropriately, but, interestingly, not making comments about those who may have arrived not appropriately dressed. The interviewer has eyes which enable it to make their unique judgments!

    Unbelievably, another wasn’t arriving with a take-away coffee in hand. One would have believed that many people knows that?

    Another issue was the interviewee’s behaviour from the interview, with one pet peeve being touching or using the facial skin or hair. It is an unconscious nervous habit not to mention an interviewee might be nervous, however it is best never to communicate this to the interviewer.

    Other advice is centered on the best way to phrase any questions the candidate is invited to put as well as the two probably to provoke a negative reaction are asking what the working hours are and what promotion opportunities can be found.

    The first can be re-phrased as a question inviting a description in the typical working day to avoid giving the impression that this candidate is a clock watcher. The second might be misconstrued being too devoted to career progress instead of around the post that’s available as well as that they can are now being interviewed. However, The Right Recruitment Agency? It’s All About Position, Position, Position should have done some research around the company and stay prepared having a relevant question. Having no question prepared is just not a possibility.

    If the position seeker is utilizing the expertise of an experienced professional recruitment agency which makes a place of understanding its clients’ businesses, corporate culture and this can be a valuable source of information for preparing a relevant question.

    Finally, after the interview the candidate should communicate a appreciate the means promptly, concisely and preferably by e-mail.

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